UTTAR PRADESH GAZETTE, JUNE 4, 1955 [PART VTH OFFICE 07 1tt REGISTRAR OF TRADE UNIONS. UTTAK PRADESH, KANPUR ::«,*,„•"•< H'Lil r -I'/i'wn 10 (l)»f Ow Indliin Iradf Union.* Act, 1926J WHVP-EAB Luc-know Motor Workers Union. Luc-know, rrgistered under no. 341 of 104T-4R, ns a Trade Union, w«s inspected on Jan- unry 8, 195 3, \>\ tin? A--si tint Tradn Union Inspector and it wna disclosed that tho Union did not pos&f1^ a copy of its constitution ntl applicut 1.1,1 for admission to th* membership of the Union. Also there wa^ no proceedings hook, indicating; thereby that thf mpexinK= of tK» Union w rr- not held. The Union had also no receipts and voiu her? of i T:penditure only pome expenses _ant.l names of tin. member,-* ^vera found wrongly noted down in a register. These facts indicate th3t the above-named Union ha« ceased TO funr-tinn. NOV, therf-rori-, a nnti "", under cnctioa 10(&) of tht> Indian Trade Unions A<-t, I'.l2ii, is h^reliy given to thc> Liicknow Motor Worker.-, Union, Lupkno-vr to ^ho\v cause to the undersigned on or before the p-^piry of two nimiths from the date of receipt of this notice, wLv tUo certificate1 rjf r.'ffi«traiion granted to it mfiy not be cancelled, on the ground th.it the Un»on bag consprl tn p?:/ti rmd it doeg nnr keep its accoiiius nnd rerord^ properly WHEUEA!- the Uttar PiMdesh Distillery Wotkers Federation registered under no. 954 of 1951-5-, as a' Trade Union under section 8 of the Indian Trade Unions Act, 1926, (XVI of 1926), contravened the provisions of section 28 of the said Act by failing to submit to tha undersigned its annual return for the year ending on March 31, 1954, bv July 31, 1934, the dato prescribed by regu lation 17 of the Regulations framed under the Indian Trade Unions Act 192G, a notice under section 10(6) of the said Act was issued to the said Unira to shovr riuse, within two months of the service of the noooo, why the certificate of its registration should not be can- celled. Tho p'eriod of the notice exp-rnd on March 12, 10515. TLo annual return for the year described above has not bfien furnished even up to tin? date. No satisfactory cause having been &lu>wu, the certificate of regis- tration of tho Uttar Pradesh Distillery Workers Federation is hereby cancelled undar section 10(6), of the Indian TradV Unions Act' 19U6. Tho President of th" Union, Sri Qopal Prasad Kashynp and tho ri?cretHry Sn J.igdish Prasad Dixit are also hereby warned that thU time only the registration certificate of the Union is cancelled for non-submiFSian of the Return by the prescribed date. In future legal action will he taken against the office bearers of the Union, under section 31 of the Indian Trade Unions Act, 1926, in the event of recurrence of such a default. return for the year described above has not been furnished even Up , lathis date. \ No cause having been shown, the certificate of registration of the j EUatriva Mazdoor Union Modi Sugar Mill, Modinagar, Meernt, l is hereby oanoellrd under srct'on 10(6) of the* Indian Trade Unions I Act, 1926. * The President of the Union, Sri Alwai1 Singh, ami tho Secretary Sri Ratan Singh, are also hereby warned that this tunu only tho registration certificate of tho Union is cancelled for non- submission of the Ketuni by the prescribed date. In futon legnl action will be taken against the oifjco bearers of the Union, undor section 31 of the Indian Tr.atle Unions Art, 1926, in the event of rucurrence of such a default. WHEREAS the Luckuow National Press Book Depot Va Garten Factory Workers Union, Lucknow rcgistrered under no. 10!>2' of 1952-53, as a Trade Union under section S of the Indian Trade Unions Act. 192R (XVI of 1926), contravened tho provisions of section 2S of the said Act by failing to submit to the undersigned its annual remin for the yeur ending on March 31, 1954, by July 31 1954, the date prescribed by regulation 17 of the Regulations framed under the Indian Trade Unions Act, 1926, a notice under section 10(&) of the said Act was issued to the said Union to show cause, within two months of the sorviee of the notice, why tlui certificate of its registration should not bo cancelled. The period of the notice expired on February 22, 195j. The annual return for the year described above has not bean fumisKbd even up to this date. No cause having bean shown, the certificate of registration of the Lucknow National Prsss Bnok Depot Va Carton Factory Workers Union-Luoknow, w hereby cancelled under section 10(6) of tho Indian Trade Unions Act, 1926. The President of the Union, Sri Sarful Hasan, and tho Secretary Sri Rameskwar Saran Singh, are also hereby \iarned that this time only the registration certificate of the Union is cancelled for non-aubmisaion of the Return by the prBsoribed dato. In ftute legal action will be taken against the office bearers of the Union, under section 31 of the Indian Trade Unions Act, 1926, in the event of recurrence of such a default. WHKBEfi="- t*ie Hastily* Mazdoor Union Modi Sugar Mill, Itodinagar, ileernt, registered under no. 1100 of 1952-63 OB B Trado Union under section 8 of the Indian Trade Unions Act, 1926 (XVI of 1926), contravened the provisions of section 28 of the said Act by failing to surnbit to the under- annual return for the year ending on March 31, 1954, S iheBakampur Raj Irrigation Workers Unioiis i ecrigfcored under no 42!) of 1947--18, as a Trade Union under section S of tho Indian Trade Unions Ant, 1926 (XVJ of 1026), contravened the provisions of section 28 of tho said Act by failing to submit to ilia undersigned its annual return for the yoar ending cm. March 31, 1954, by July 31, 1954, the date proscribed by regulation 17 of the Regulations framod under tho Indian Trade Unions Act, 1926, a iiotace under section 10(&) of the said Aot was issued to the said Union to show cause, within two months of the service of the notice, why the certificate of its registration should not be cancelled. The period of the notice expired on March 21, 1955. The annual rutura for the year described above has not been furnished even up to this date. No cause having been shown, the ourtifieate of registration of thf Bolrampur Raj Irrigation Workers Union, Balrampur, is hereby ranoelled under section 10(6) of the Indian Trade Unions Act, 192G The Presidont of the Union, Sri Balhhadra Pranad Shulila, ,i,nd the Secretary Th. Sant Bakah Singh, dro also hereby warnud that this time only the registration certificate of the Unioa 13 cancelled for non-submission of the Return by the prescribed date. Tn future legal action will be takon against the office bearers of The Union, under section 31 of the Indian Trado Unions Act, 1926, in the event of recurrence of such a default. WUBBEJAS the Spinning MiHa Workers Union, Agra, registered under no. 1181 of 1953-54, as a Trado Union under section 8 of the Indian Trade Unions Aot, 1926 (XVI of 1926), contravened the provisions of section 28 of the said Act by failing to submit to the undersigned its annual return for the year ending on March 31, 1954, by July 31, 1954, the date prescribed by regulation 17 Of the Rogulations framed under the Indian Trade Unions Act, 1926, a notice under section 10(6) of the said Act was issued to the said Union to show cause, within two months of the service of the notice, why the certificate of its registeration should not be cancelled. The period of the notice expired on February 28, 1955. The annual return for the year described above haa not been furnished even up to this date. No cause having been shown, the certificate of registration of the Spinning Mills Workers Union, Agra, is hereby cancelled under section 10(6) of the Indian Trade Unions Act, 1926. The President of the Union, Sri Prithvinath Bh&rgwa, and the General Secretary Sri Lakmi Nardin Gupta, are also hereby warned that this time only the _ registration certificate of the Union is cancelled for non-submission of the Return by the prescribed date. Fa future legal action will be taken against tho office bearers of the Union, under section 31 of the Indian Trade Unions Act, 1926, in the event of recurrence of such a default. WHEBEASthe Mazdoor Sabha, Agra, registered under no. 1168 of 1953-54, aa a Trade Union under section 8 of the Indian Trade Unions Aot, 1926 (XVI of 1928), contravened the provisions of section 28 of the said Act by failing to submit to the undersigned its annual return for the year ending on March 31, 1954, by July 31, 1954, the date prescribed by regulation 17 of the Regulations framed under the Indian Trade Unions Act, 1926, a notice under section 10(6) of the said Aot was issued to th& said Union to show cause, within two months of the service of the notice, why the certificate of its registration should not be cancelled. The period of the notice expired on February 27, 1056. The annual return for the year described above has not been furnished even up to this date. ahow ofcose, within two months of the service of the notice,^why" the of its registration should not be cancelled. The «pired